Web Application built with .NET 7 with Docker container support. Containers allow for increased speed and accuracy with code modifications and deployments.

Docker images are managed in a self hosted Harbor container registry. Registry also serves as an on premise registry cache for Docker and Microsoft container registries.

GitLab CI/CD
Code application is hosted in a self hosted GitLab repository with CI/CD pipeline support. Gitlab Runners are setup for automatic build/test operations on branch pushes.
Self Taught and Self Motivated Proven problem solver with a ferocious appetite for knowledge
No technical problems that are too large to overcome with persistance and perseverance.
I pride myself in never giving up, always looking for improvement, and sharing knowledge with all who will listen. I love what I do, and I'm good at it. Technical challenges have always intruiged me, and I pursue them with passion.
Experienced Full Stack Engineer Bare metal to Data Center, Development to Deployment
Knowledge and experience with the full stack required for modern data center operations
From provisioning bare metal hosts to vSphere nodes, Security Engineering, Networking Engineering, Systems Engineering and Administration, Web/Application and Automation development experience, to containerization and Kubernetes. My experience covers the entire IT portfolio required for modern IT operations.
This website is hosted on a virtual Ubuntu 22.04 server installation with Docker 20.10.19. The VM is hosted on a vSphere 7.0 installation hosted on a Dell R720 with RAID6 HDD data storage.
Software and Infrastructure Automation The Future Will Be Automated
Modern and future operations require experience in platform and process automation
Enterprise's require experience in process automation, both on the platform and process level. Automation reduces error and improves consistancy when applied correctly and thoughtfully.
Proven experience in PowerShell automation to audit and maintain Windows Domain environments,Azure and Office 365 environments as well as endpoint environments. Also experienced in bash scripting linux processes and distrobutions and infrastructure automation.
Containers also play an important part in modern infrastructure development and deployment processes. Working knowledge of Docker and Docker Swarm as well as containerd and Kubernetes will play an important part in the future. Automatic CI/CD pipelines increase deployment speed and accuracy as well as reducing infrasturcture maintainence and requirements.